Эмулятор dolphin

System Requirements


  • OS
    • Windows (7 SP1 or higher).
    • Linux.
    • macOS (10.12 Sierra or higher).
    • Unix-like systems other than Linux are not officially supported but might work.
  • Processor
    • A CPU with SSE2 support.
    • A modern CPU (3 GHz and Dual Core, not older than 2008) is highly recommended.
  • Graphics
    • A reasonably modern graphics card (Direct3D 11.1 / OpenGL 3.3).
    • A graphics card that supports Direct3D 11.1 / OpenGL 4.4 is recommended.


  • OS
  • Processor
  • Graphics
    • A graphics processor that supports standard desktop OpenGL features is recommended for best performance.

Dolphin can only be installed on devices that satisfy the above requirements. Attempting to install on an unsupported device will fail and display an error message.

Долфин для промывания носа

Эффективным способом лечения аллергических ринитов и синуситов является промывание носа солевыми растворами, которые близки по составу с морской водой. В аптеке они представлены специальными препаратами. Один из них – Долфин (Dolphin), содержащий смесь минеральных веществ и экстрактов трав. Они обусловливают антигистаминное, антисептическое и регенерирующее действия препарата. Лекарство предназначено для элиминационной терапии, что означает промывание носовых пазух и носоглотки. Это хорошая альтернатива сосудосуживающим каплям.


Препарат представляет собой минерально-растительный комплекс. Состав включает полностью натуральные компоненты. Стандартный пакетик препарата Долфин весом 2 г содержит 1,6 г аналога морской соли пермского периода, куда входят органические вещества и минералы, в том числе:

  • соединения брома и йода;
  • калий;
  • карналлит;
  • галит;
  • хлориды.

Помимо минеральных солей лекарство содержит еще несколько натуральных компонентов. На 2 г пакетика препарата приходится следующее количество ингредиентов:

  • 0,1 г сухого экстракта шиповника;
  • 0,1 г сухого экстракта солодки;
  • 0,2 г пищевой соды.

Форма выпуска

Производитель предлагает несколько разных форм выпуска. В целом каждый набор включает флакон и пакетики-саше с сухим порошком, предназначенные для разбавления водой. К бутылочке прилагается специальный дозатор, соединенный с трубкой. В аптеке можно купить два варианта таких наборов:

  1. Взрослый. Флакон в этом наборе имеет емкость 240 мл, а пакетики с порошком весят 2 г. В стандартном варианте их насчитывается 30 штук.
  2. Детский. Бутылочка уже рассчитана на 120 мл. Вес саше для ребенка тоже в два раза меньше и составляет 1 г.
  3. Эконом-набор. Аналогичен взрослому, только вместо 30 саше в нем содержится 10.
  4. Набор для тех, у кого аллергия на растительные компоненты. Включает флакон объемом 240 мл и пакетики-саше по 2 г в количестве 30 штук.
  5. Специальный ингалятор. Состав основан на эфирных маслах. Пользоваться ингалятором рекомендовано при заложенности носа. Показан детям в возрасте старше 7 лет.

Фармакодинамика и фармакокинетика

Долфин применяется только для промывания, поэтому внутрь организма препарат не попадает. Раствор помогает очистить слизистую носоглотки, устраняя вирусы и микробы, останавливая их размножение. Это препятствует развитию заболевания. Судя по отзывам, эффективность применения Долфина проявляется уже после первой процедуры. Регулярное промывание носа помогает при лечении насморка и першения в горле. Результат – проходит отек слизистой, удаляется болезнетворная слизь.

Очистить нос от слизи помогают натуральные компоненты препарата: растительные экстракты и минералы. Другие действия от применения данного лекарства:

  1. Микроэлементы и лекарственные травы в составе оказывают антисептический эффект за счет стимуляции выделения защитной слизи.
  2. Экстракт корня солодки помогает бороться с аллергическим насморком.
  3. Процедура промывания Долфином способствует удалению патогенных микроорганизмов, провоцирующих воспаление. В результате повышается отток слизи или гноя из пазух носоглотки.

Показания к применению

Благодаря бактерицидным и антисептическим свойствам, препарат используется преимущественно для лечения заболеваний отоларингологии. Первым инструкция по применению указывает лечение ринитов разной природы;

  • хронические и острые;
  • сопровождающиеся образованием в полости носа корок;
  • атрофические;
  • аллергические;
  • гормональные (ринит беременных);
  • инфекционные.

Применение Долфина показано при воспалениях миндалин, в том числе аденоидита и хронического тонзиллита. Препарат используют при лечении гайморита, фарингита, аллергии, а также насморка при гриппе или ОРВИ. По инструкции Долфин дополнительно применяют при:

  • сухой слизистой носа;
  • до или после хирургических вмешательств в носовой полости;
  • воспалении слизистой оболочки носа пылью;
  • эпидемиях гриппа или ОРВИ в качестве местной защиты.


Перед использованием лекарства нужно изучить противопоказания, указанные в инструкции по применению. Промыть нос Долфином нельзя при:

  • склонности к носовым кровотечениям;
  • полной заложенности носа;
  • возрасте менее 4 лет;
  • деформации носовой перегородки;
  • наличии механической непроходимости носовых ходов;
  • доброкачественных или злокачественных опухолях;
  • индивидуальной непереносимости компонентов.

Фармакологическая группа

Долфин относится к категории противовирусных и антимикробных медикаментов. Препарат ликвидирует микробы и вирусы, которые присутствуют на слизистых оболочках носоглотки и препятствуют процессу их размножения, таким образом развитие заболевание прекращается.

Терапевтический эффект может отмечаться непосредственно после 1 применения медикаментозного средства. Регулярное применение Долфина ведет к устранению заложенности носа, насморка и ощущения першения в горле. Этот фармакологический состав быстро нивелирует отеки и ликвидирует болезнетворную слизь.

Препарат основан на смеси, которая после добавления жидкости становится раствором, имеющим близкое строение с физиологическими жидкостями. Терапевтический эффект медикамента основывается на полезных свойствах составляющих – минералов и экстрактов лекарственных растений.

Натрия хлорид, йод и экстракт шиповника являются антисептическими веществами. Эти микроэлементы также оказывают стимулирующее воздействие на процесс выработки защитной слизи. Кроме указанного, лекарственный состав характеризуется свойствами, усиливающими естественные регенеративные механизмы. За счет экстракта солодки наблюдается антиаллергический эффект.

Промывание носовых ходов Долфином гарантирует удаление патогенов, которые провоцируют воспалительные процессы, а также снижает отечность, восстанавливает проходимость каналов носа и повышает отток слизи и гноя из околоносовых пазух, что нивелирует вероятность возникновения отита.

Güncel makaleler

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22 Haziran 2020

/ Serilerin parçası Dolphin Progress Report

/ Forum konusu

We’ve got a lot to get through the past two months. Headlining it all is that we’re happy to announce support for a new compressed disc format developed specifically for Dolphin: RVZ. This lossless format allows for near top of the line game compression without compromising the integrity of ISOs, while also maintaining performance and stability. But what good is compression if emulation isn’t up to snuff? The past two months have been chock-full of emulation and usability fixes for both Android and Desktop Dolphin! There’s a little bit of everything, …




22 Nisan 2020

/ Serilerin parçası Dolphin Progress Report

/ Forum konusu

It feels like it’s been some time since we’ve had actually had a monthly Progress Report. This is because there haven’t been as many major changes landing, making it harder to fill out a substantial article. That isn’t to say that things have slowed down, these smaller changes increase the quality of life for users and add up, especially when jumping from older builds to the latest. However, these changes are a lot harder to show and feature in a Progress Report compared to things that actually affect the core emulation and games. This time around, we had more than enough on our plate to write about, including support in the latest builds for a very interesting game: The Metroid Prime 3’s E3 2006 Beta.

But before we get to the new changes, we need to cover something we missed last month. So, without further delay, please enjoy the mostly April Progress Report!




19 Şubat 2020

/ Serilerin parçası Dolphin Progress Report

/ Forum konusu

We understand that the past few months have been trying for many of us across the world. Something like this can make what you do feel so very small in the grand scheme of things. Everyone has their ways of coping with isolation, using the internet, games, emulation, and much more as forms of entertainment to keep spirits up. To those of you relying on Dolphin Emulator, we hope that Dolphin Emulator makes your day a little brighter in these trying times.

In this Progress Report, you’ll find that we’ve got a lot of changes affecting things outside of core emulation. For instance, Dolphin on Android and macOS see the return of Dark Mode, perfect for late night gaming without straining your eyes. But if we’re going to talk about the main event, we have a new way to use your Wii Remotes that brings tremendous flexibility. People that were disappointed by the removal of Hybrid Wii Remotes, forced Wii Remote disconnections on Save/Loadstates, and other limitations of Real Wii Remotes should be very excited. With two months of changes to get through, it’s about time we just dived in. Please enjoy the February and March Progress Report!

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22 de Junio de 2020

/ Parte de la serie Dolphin Progress Report

/ Hilo del foro

We’ve got a lot to get through the past two months. Headlining it all is that we’re happy to announce support for a new compressed disc format developed specifically for Dolphin: RVZ. This lossless format allows for near top of the line game compression without compromising the integrity of ISOs, while also maintaining performance and stability. But what good is compression if emulation isn’t up to snuff? The past two months have been chock-full of emulation and usability fixes for both Android and Desktop Dolphin! There’s a little bit of everything, …

Escrito por



22 de Abril de 2020

/ Parte de la serie Dolphin Progress Report

/ Hilo del foro

It feels like it’s been some time since we’ve had actually had a monthly Progress Report. This is because there haven’t been as many major changes landing, making it harder to fill out a substantial article. That isn’t to say that things have slowed down, these smaller changes increase the quality of life for users and add up, especially when jumping from older builds to the latest. However, these changes are a lot harder to show and feature in a Progress Report compared to things that actually affect the core emulation and games. This time around, we had more than enough on our plate to write about, including support in the latest builds for a very interesting game: The Metroid Prime 3’s E3 2006 Beta.

But before we get to the new changes, we need to cover something we missed last month. So, without further delay, please enjoy the mostly April Progress Report!

Escrito por



19 de Febrero de 2020

/ Parte de la serie Dolphin Progress Report

/ Hilo del foro

We understand that the past few months have been trying for many of us across the world. Something like this can make what you do feel so very small in the grand scheme of things. Everyone has their ways of coping with isolation, using the internet, games, emulation, and much more as forms of entertainment to keep spirits up. To those of you relying on Dolphin Emulator, we hope that Dolphin Emulator makes your day a little brighter in these trying times.

In this Progress Report, you’ll find that we’ve got a lot of changes affecting things outside of core emulation. For instance, Dolphin on Android and macOS see the return of Dark Mode, perfect for late night gaming without straining your eyes. But if we’re going to talk about the main event, we have a new way to use your Wii Remotes that brings tremendous flexibility. People that were disappointed by the removal of Hybrid Wii Remotes, forced Wii Remote disconnections on Save/Loadstates, and other limitations of Real Wii Remotes should be very excited. With two months of changes to get through, it’s about time we just dived in. Please enjoy the February and March Progress Report!

Применения и дозы

Необходимая кратность применений Долфина должна определяться лечащим специалистом. В некоторых ситуациях возможно руководствоваться схемой, указанной в инструкции к препарату.

для взрослых

Во флакон-ингалятор требуется налить порядка 240мл чистой воды, которая предварительно была подогрета до 35 ̊C. В жидкость требуется добавить содержимое 1 пакетика. После требуется закрутить эндоназальную крышку и тщательно перемешать состав, активно взбалтывая флакон – до полного растворения сухого порошка.

Требуется наклониться над раковиной и приложить эндоназальную крышку к 1 носовому каналу, задержать дыхание и нажать на флакон – резких движений быть не должно. Жидкость обязана вытечь через другой носовой канал. После указанных манипуляций требуется очистить носовую полость путем высмаркивания с поочередным зажиманием 1 ноздри.

Когда нос заложен полностью и присутствует затрудненность дыхания, рекомендуется предварительно использовать сосудосуживающие назальные препараты и очистить носовые каналы. Применять Долфин требуется не менее, чем 1-2 раза/сутки. Длительность лечения составляет 2 недели.

для детей

В детском возрасте использование Долфина возможно с 4 лет и при предшествующей консультации врача. В остальном схема использования фактически идентична взрослому варианту.

для беременных и в период лактации

В период беременности и лактации Долфин применяется согласно стандартной схеме, но требуется уделять повышенное внимание собственному состоянию. Также, желательно перед использованием медикамента проконсультироваться с врачом и обсудить возможные риски применения лекарственного средства


This title has been tested on the environments listed below:

Test Entries
Revision OS Version CPU GPU Result Tester
r7283 Windows 7 Intel Core i3-2310M @ 2.1GHz Intel HD Graphics Game boots but runs extremely slowly — 6 frame every few seconds. Honguito98
3.0-204 Windows 7 Intel Core i7-2600K @ 3.4GHz AMD Radeon HD 6990 Game boots but runs extremely slowly — 1 frame every few seconds.
3.0-693 Windows 7 Intel Core i5-2500K @ 4GHz AMD Radeon HD 6970 Game seems to run great. Tested until end of first cutscene. OpenGL only works in windowed mode. Fullscreen mode crashes on start. Make sure to enable the MMU Speed Hack. Config: DX11, 2xNative, AA:4x, AF:16x, Per-pixel lightning enabled, OpenMP Texture Decoder enabled.
3.0-766 Windows 7 Intel Core i5-2500K @ 4GHz AMD Radeon HD 6970 Game is broken again. Runs very slow. OpenGL seems to be working in Fullscreen mode again though.
Windows 7 Intel Core Quad @ 3.2GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti Game is unstable with HLE audio. (Random opcode freezes, and crashes after loading save states.) With LLE seems to run reasonably well. May benefit from disabling dual core mode if CPU is fast enough.
Windows 8.1 Intel Core i5-4670K @ 3.4GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 Completed more than half the game in like 4 hours non-stop play. Only ran into one rare issue. The rooms don’t load at all at after a few rooms but resolved it with restarting the level and the issue didn’t happen again so I think it was due to my pc locking up during load with is normal of my pc so I think it not Dolphin that did it. Little slowdowns in some areas but not really noticeable. 80 to 100% speed. Drshaw
Windows 10 AMD FX-8370 @ 4.25 GHz AMD R9 390 Horribly Broken with HLE, OPCode errors when drawing weapon for the first time, leading to Dolphin crashing.
Windows 10 Intel Core i3 @ 2.93GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 115% CPU clock, 2.5x Native resolution, 16x, FXAA, Per pixle lighting, Panic handlers off. I hadn’t run into any OP code errors from the above tests. Aside from many texture glitches when loading into a new area, (Eventually they go away.) physics sometimes behaving in ways they shouldn’t and the occasional imp glitching through a closed door It works fine. The game is much easier than I remember but that could just be me. The game is perfectly playable in single player at least to the fourth boss without any crashes and only minor slowdowns. Multiplayer untested. Nexeleon
Windows 10 Intel Xeon E5 v3 @ 2.30GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Game had frequent slowdowns both during cutscenes and gameplay. With the slowdowns came the occasional audio crackle. There were no major graphical issues from what little I played. Unfortunately, I encountered OPCode errors ~10 minutes into gameplay, which led to the eventual crashing of Dolphin. I was able to get farther than the initial weapon acquisition, however. saintschultz

Показания и противопоказания

Используя «Долфин», вложенная инструкция даёт развернутую информацию по показаниям к применению.

В частности состав «Долфин» назначается при:

  • Рините. Лекарство действенно при всех возможных его формах, в том числе хронической и острой.
  • Фронтите.
  • Гайморите.
  • Поллинозе.
  • Этмоидите.

Будет полезен «Долфин» в период беременности, когда у женщины имеется ринит.

Кроме того, состав средства эффективно снимает раздражение слизистой оболочки после перенесенной операции в носовых пазухах, а также после влияния вирусных микробов простудных заболеваний.

Помимо показаний, промывающее средство противопоказано в следующих случаях:

  • Пациенты детского возраста, младше 4-х лет.
  • Аллергические реакции, ввиду индивидуальной непереносимости организмом определённых компонентов.
  • При носовых кровотечениях.
  • 100-процентная непроходимость носовых каналов, в том числе и по причине механических повреждений перегородок.

Чтобы избежать негативных последствий от применения «Долфина», целесообразно предварительно обратиться за консультацией к лечащему врачу.

User Folder Structure

A number of user writeable directories are created for caching purposes or for
allowing the user to edit their contents. On macOS and Linux these folders are
stored in and
respectively, but can be overwritten by setting the environment variable
. On Windows the user directory is stored in the
folder by default, but there are various way to override this behavior:

  • Creating a file called next to the Dolphin executable will
    store the user directory in a local directory called «User» next to the
    Dolphin executable.
  • If the registry string value exists in
    and has the value 1,
    Dolphin will always start in portable mode.
  • If the registry string value exists in
    , the user folders will be
    stored in the directory given by that string. The other two methods will be
    prioritized over this setting.

List of user folders:

  • : used to cache the ISO list
  • : configuration files
  • : anything dumped from Dolphin
  • : additional settings to be applied per-game
  • : memory cards and system BIOS
  • : custom textures
  • : logs, if enabled
  • : screenshots taken via Dolphin
  • : save states
  • : Wii NAND contents


The following entries go under section of the GameINI.

Values starting from 0 represent the drop down order in the list that dolphin uses.

InternalResolution = 0

Shader Compilation

ShaderCompilationMode = 0

0 = Synchronous
1 = Synchronous (Ubershaders)
2 = Asynchronous (Ubershaders)
3 = Asynchronous (Skip Drawing)

Compile Shaders Before Starting

WaitForShadersBeforeStarting = True or False to enable and disable «Compile Shaders Before Starting» respectively.

Texture Cache Accuracy

Controls the «Texture Cache Accuracy» setting, shown as a slider in the GUI.

  • -> Texture Cache Accuracy «Safe», the left most option on the slider.
  • -> Texture Cache Accuracy «Middle», the middle option on the slider.
  • -> Texture Cache Accuracy «Fast», the right most option on the slider.

Aspect Ratio

Values starting from 0 represent the drop down order in the list that dolphin uses.

  • is auto, assigned based on what the emulated console indicates.
  • to force the aspect ratio to 16:9.
  • to force the aspect ratio to 4:3.
  • to set the aspect ratio to «Stretch to window».

Widescreen Hack

Separates the aspect ratio rendered by the game from the one displayed in the game window. Use options in addition to this setting.

wideScreenHack = True or False to enable and disable the «Widescreen Hack» respectively.


  • will set it to the top of the list value which is «None». «2x», «4x», «8x» samples would need , , to be used respectively.
  • or will toggle between «SSAA» and «MSAA» respectively. The amount of samples used for SSAA will depend on the MSAA value above.

External Frame Buffer

Will do nothing in and later.

  • or to enable and disable «External Frame Buffer» respectively. Virtual or Real will be set according to what you have set it last at the general settings. To control it use together the line below:
  • or to enable «Real XFB» or «Virtual XFB» respectively.

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June 22, 2020

/ Part of series Dolphin Progress Report

/ Forum thread

We’ve got a lot to get through the past two months. Headlining it all is that we’re happy to announce support for a new compressed disc format developed specifically for Dolphin: RVZ. This lossless format allows for near top of the line game compression without compromising the integrity of ISOs, while also maintaining performance and stability. But what good is compression if emulation isn’t up to snuff? The past two months have been chock-full of emulation and usability fixes for both Android and Desktop Dolphin! There’s a little bit of everything, …

Written by



April 22, 2020

/ Part of series Dolphin Progress Report

/ Forum thread

It feels like it’s been some time since we’ve had actually had a monthly Progress Report. This is because there haven’t been as many major changes landing, making it harder to fill out a substantial article. That isn’t to say that things have slowed down, these smaller changes increase the quality of life for users and add up, especially when jumping from older builds to the latest. However, these changes are a lot harder to show and feature in a Progress Report compared to things that actually affect the core emulation and games. This time around, we had more than enough on our plate to write about, including support in the latest builds for a very interesting game: The Metroid Prime 3’s E3 2006 Beta.

But before we get to the new changes, we need to cover something we missed last month. So, without further delay, please enjoy the mostly April Progress Report!

Written by



Feb. 19, 2020

/ Part of series Dolphin Progress Report

/ Forum thread

We understand that the past few months have been trying for many of us across the world. Something like this can make what you do feel so very small in the grand scheme of things. Everyone has their ways of coping with isolation, using the internet, games, emulation, and much more as forms of entertainment to keep spirits up. To those of you relying on Dolphin Emulator, we hope that Dolphin Emulator makes your day a little brighter in these trying times.

In this Progress Report, you’ll find that we’ve got a lot of changes affecting things outside of core emulation. For instance, Dolphin on Android and macOS see the return of Dark Mode, perfect for late night gaming without straining your eyes. But if we’re going to talk about the main event, we have a new way to use your Wii Remotes that brings tremendous flexibility. People that were disappointed by the removal of Hybrid Wii Remotes, forced Wii Remote disconnections on Save/Loadstates, and other limitations of Real Wii Remotes should be very excited. With two months of changes to get through, it’s about time we just dived in. Please enjoy the February and March Progress Report!



Dolphin is available in the repositories of the «testing» and «sid» branches of Debian, for AMD64 and ARM64 platforms.
NOTICE: Users of Jessie or any earlier versions MUST build from source as per the instructions linked below in «Other Distros»!

openSUSE Linux

zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Emulators/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/Emulators.repo
zypper ref
zypper in dolphin-emu


Install the stable version:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:dolphin-emu/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install dolphin-emu

Or to install the development version:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:dolphin-emu/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install dolphin-emu-master
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt update

You don’t need to update all GCC packages, just upgrade libstdc++6, gcc-4.9-base and eventual dependencies in Synaptic, and disable the PPA.

Setting Up Dolphin

Your Netplay Experience will greatly vary depending on what version you tend to use. Because Dolphin 5.0 is lacking so many Netplay features at this point, it cannot be recommended for use. It is missing important features like Wii Save Synchronization (), Automated Settings Synchronization (), Cheat Code Synchronization (), Synchronize All Wii Saves () as well as protections for recovering saves if Netplay is to crash.

Rule of thumb is that most settings should be set to default and you are expected to follow specific settings where the instruction (made by host or matchmaking websites) has told you to set before playing online.

Command Line Usage

  • -h, —help Show this help message
  • -d, —debugger Show the debugger pane and additional View menu options
  • -l, —logger Open the logger
  • -e, —exec= Load the specified file (DOL,ELF,WAD,GCM,ISO)
  • -b, —batch Exit Dolphin with emulator
  • -V, —video_backend= Specify a video backend
  • -A, —audio_emulation= Low level (LLE) or high level (HLE) audio

Available DSP emulation engines are HLE (High Level Emulation) and
LLE (Low Level Emulation). HLE is faster but less accurate whereas
LLE is slower but close to perfect. Note that LLE has two submodes (Interpreter and Recompiler)
but they cannot be selected from the command line.

Available video backends are «D3D» and «D3D12» (they are only available on Windows), «OGL», and «Vulkan».
There’s also «Null», which will not render anything, and
«Software Renderer», which uses the CPU for rendering and
is intended for debugging purposes only.

Building for Windows

Use the solution file to build Dolphin on Windows.
Visual Studio 2019 16.3 or later is a hard requirement. Other compilers might be
able to build Dolphin on Windows but have not been tested and are not
recommended to be used. Git and Windows 10 SDK must be installed when building.

Make sure to pull submodules before building:

git submodule update --init

The «Release» solution configuration includes performance optimizations for the best user experience but complicates debugging Dolphin.
The «Debug» solution configuration is significantly slower, more verbose and less permissive but makes debugging Dolphin easier.

An installer can be created by using the script in the
Installer directory. This will require the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System
(NSIS) to be installed. Creating an installer is not necessary to run Dolphin
since the Binary directory contains a working Dolphin distribution.


  • Bandwidth requirements are very light: any DSL or Cable internet connection should do. However, the internet demands rapidly increase as more players are added. Because the latency (ping) of the internet connection determines how low input latency can get, using Ethernet instead of Wi-Fi usually improves the gameplay experience.
  • Each player must have their own copy of the game, and the region and game revision of all copies must match. While most compressed game formats are compatible with standard ISOs (with NKit being a notable exception), it is heavily recommended that all players use identical dumps.


У препарата Долфин имеется определенный ряд аналогов, которые имеют сходное терапевтическое воздействие на организм человека. Тем не менее, сходство терапевтического эффекта и/или состава не гарантирует отсутствие аллергической реакции на препарат-аналог. По этой причине перед заменой Долфина на какой-то из аналогов требуется предварительно проконсультироваться с лечащим специалистом и убедиться в отсутствии аллергических реакций организма на иной медикамент.


Делуфен выпускается в варианте назального спрея. Лекарственный раствор представлен бесцветной жидкостью, без запаха и вкуса. Расфасован по флаконам из пластика, номинальная емкость которых представлена 20мл. Крышка в виде распылителя-дозатора. Флакон упакован в картонную пачку, обязательно прилагается инструкция. Делуфен является препаратом на основе растительных компонентов гомеопатического типа. Характеризуется антивоспалительным, противомикробным, антиаллергическим, репаративным и противоотечным эффектами.

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22 июня 2020 г.

/ Часть серии статей Dolphin Progress Report

/ Тема на форуме

We’ve got a lot to get through the past two months. Headlining it all is that we’re happy to announce support for a new compressed disc format developed specifically for Dolphin: RVZ. This lossless format allows for near top of the line game compression without compromising the integrity of ISOs, while also maintaining performance and stability. But what good is compression if emulation isn’t up to snuff? The past two months have been chock-full of emulation and usability fixes for both Android and Desktop Dolphin! There’s a little bit of everything, …




22 апреля 2020 г.

/ Часть серии статей Dolphin Progress Report

/ Тема на форуме

It feels like it’s been some time since we’ve had actually had a monthly Progress Report. This is because there haven’t been as many major changes landing, making it harder to fill out a substantial article. That isn’t to say that things have slowed down, these smaller changes increase the quality of life for users and add up, especially when jumping from older builds to the latest. However, these changes are a lot harder to show and feature in a Progress Report compared to things that actually affect the core emulation and games. This time around, we had more than enough on our plate to write about, including support in the latest builds for a very interesting game: The Metroid Prime 3’s E3 2006 Beta.

But before we get to the new changes, we need to cover something we missed last month. So, without further delay, please enjoy the mostly April Progress Report!




19 февраля 2020 г.

/ Часть серии статей Dolphin Progress Report

/ Тема на форуме

We understand that the past few months have been trying for many of us across the world. Something like this can make what you do feel so very small in the grand scheme of things. Everyone has their ways of coping with isolation, using the internet, games, emulation, and much more as forms of entertainment to keep spirits up. To those of you relying on Dolphin Emulator, we hope that Dolphin Emulator makes your day a little brighter in these trying times.

In this Progress Report, you’ll find that we’ve got a lot of changes affecting things outside of core emulation. For instance, Dolphin on Android and macOS see the return of Dark Mode, perfect for late night gaming without straining your eyes. But if we’re going to talk about the main event, we have a new way to use your Wii Remotes that brings tremendous flexibility. People that were disappointed by the removal of Hybrid Wii Remotes, forced Wii Remote disconnections on Save/Loadstates, and other limitations of Real Wii Remotes should be very excited. With two months of changes to get through, it’s about time we just dived in. Please enjoy the February and March Progress Report!

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22 de Junho de 2020

/ Parte da série Dolphin Progress Report

/ Tópico do fórum

We’ve got a lot to get through the past two months. Headlining it all is that we’re happy to announce support for a new compressed disc format developed specifically for Dolphin: RVZ. This lossless format allows for near top of the line game compression without compromising the integrity of ISOs, while also maintaining performance and stability. But what good is compression if emulation isn’t up to snuff? The past two months have been chock-full of emulation and usability fixes for both Android and Desktop Dolphin! There’s a little bit of everything, …

Escrito por



22 de Abril de 2020

/ Parte da série Dolphin Progress Report

/ Tópico do fórum

It feels like it’s been some time since we’ve had actually had a monthly Progress Report. This is because there haven’t been as many major changes landing, making it harder to fill out a substantial article. That isn’t to say that things have slowed down, these smaller changes increase the quality of life for users and add up, especially when jumping from older builds to the latest. However, these changes are a lot harder to show and feature in a Progress Report compared to things that actually affect the core emulation and games. This time around, we had more than enough on our plate to write about, including support in the latest builds for a very interesting game: The Metroid Prime 3’s E3 2006 Beta.

But before we get to the new changes, we need to cover something we missed last month. So, without further delay, please enjoy the mostly April Progress Report!

Escrito por



19 de Fevereiro de 2020

/ Parte da série Dolphin Progress Report

/ Tópico do fórum

We understand that the past few months have been trying for many of us across the world. Something like this can make what you do feel so very small in the grand scheme of things. Everyone has their ways of coping with isolation, using the internet, games, emulation, and much more as forms of entertainment to keep spirits up. To those of you relying on Dolphin Emulator, we hope that Dolphin Emulator makes your day a little brighter in these trying times.

In this Progress Report, you’ll find that we’ve got a lot of changes affecting things outside of core emulation. For instance, Dolphin on Android and macOS see the return of Dark Mode, perfect for late night gaming without straining your eyes. But if we’re going to talk about the main event, we have a new way to use your Wii Remotes that brings tremendous flexibility. People that were disappointed by the removal of Hybrid Wii Remotes, forced Wii Remote disconnections on Save/Loadstates, and other limitations of Real Wii Remotes should be very excited. With two months of changes to get through, it’s about time we just dived in. Please enjoy the February and March Progress Report!

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