Download firefox offline installers [all versions]


What is the difference between each Firefox edition?

Mozilla normally releases Firefox in four editions according to the development stages.

  • Firefox Nightly
  • Firefox Aurora (Now Firefox Developers edition)
  • Firefox Beta
  • Firefox Release

Firefox Nightly

This edition is released nightly. It gets check-ins each day and gets updated two times a day. This can often lead to problems until fixed, finished or reverted. It is thus, the most unstable build.

Firefox Beta

Firefox Beta is basically the next version of Firefox released around 6 weeks in advance. While it is more stable than Nightly, it’s still not final and may have minor bugs.

Firefox Developers Edition

Firefox Developers Edition is more geared towards the developers. It has java debuggers and a lot of tools which you can access from the menu or a right-click to diagnose issues with web pages you might be working on.

Conserveu totes les funcions preferides del vostre navegador i descobriu-ne de noves.

Totes les vostres eines preferides de Google (com ara el Gmail i Docs) funcionen perfectament en el Firefox Browser.

Baixeu aquesta extensió del navegador per tal que el Facebook (i l’Instagram) us facin el seguiment mentre navegueu.

Sincronitzeu els vostres dispositius

El Firefox està disponible en tots els dispositius; accediu a les vostres pestanyes, a l’historial i a les adreces d’interès des de qualsevol lloc. Només necessiteu un compte del Firefox.

Captures de pantalla

Captureu una imatge d’alta resolució de qualsevol cosa del Web amb l’eina de captura de pantalla integrada en el navegador

Protecció contra el seguiment millorada

El Firefox automàticament bloca molts elements de seguiment d’altres empreses per impedir que recopilin i venguin les dades de la vostra activitat a Internet.

Imatge sobre imatge

Des de veure un tutorial web fins a donar un cop d’ull al vostre equip preferit: el vídeo us segueix mentre feu multitasca.

Trying it out

First, double check that you have the right files in the right places:



In Firefox: Open the about:debugging page, click «This Firefox» (in newer versions of Firefox), click «Load Temporary Add-on», then select any file in your extension’s directory.

The extension will now be installed, and will stay until you restart Firefox.

Alternatively, you can run the extension from the command line using the web-ext tool.


Now try visiting a page under «», and you should see the red border round the page:

Don’t try it on, though! Content scripts are currently blocked on that domain.

Try experimenting a bit. Edit the content script to change the color of the border, or do something else to the page content. Save the content script, then reload the extensions’s files by clicking the «Reload» button in about:debugging. You can see the changes right away:

Learn more about loading extensions

Firefox offline installers

You have two official options to download offline versions of the Firefox web browser to your system. You can download offline versions of Firefox from the Mozilla website or from the archive server. Both let you download a full copy of Firefox for all supported operating systems, architectures, and languages.

The core difference between the two options is that you can download any version of Firefox from the FTP server but only the latest version from the website.

So, if you always wanted to check out Firefox 0.10, Firefox 4.0, or Firefox 25.0, now is your chance to do so (if you do, please do so in a locked down environment as these browsers may contain security vulnerabilities that were fixed in later versions).

Mozilla website

Note: Mozilla changed the design of download pages recently. While you can still use the links provided below to download offline installers for all supported operating systems, you now have to make up to three selections before you can do so.

Use the following links to open the Firefox offline installer download pages on the Mozilla website:

  • Firefox Stable (offline):
  • Firefox ESR (offline):
  • Firefox Beta (offline): h
  • Firefox Developer Edition (offline):
  • Firefox Nightly (offline):

Downloads for Android are also provided:

  • Firefox Android (offline):
  • Firefox Android Beta (offline):
  • Firefox Android Nightly (offline): y

All download pages use the same layout. Select the browser edition that you want to download, e.g. Beta or ESR, then the installer (Windows 32-bit and 64-bit, Linux 32-bit and 64-bit, Mac OS X, or Windows MSI 32-bit or 64-bit), and then the language. Hit the download now button to start the download of the full Firefox installer to the local system.

Mozilla FTP Server

You access the Mozilla FTP server via HTTP right now using the following URL:

This opens a directory with links to all Firefox releases starting with Firefox 0.10 to the very latest (stable, beta and release candidate) releases. You can use the directory to download the latest release version of Firefox to your system but also any previous stable release of the web browser.

A click on a directory displays the supported operating systems on the next screen. The following options are usually provided (not that some may options may only be available for select versions and not all the time).

  • win32 — Windows 32-bit Firefox
  • win64 — Windows 64-bit Firefox
  • win32-EME-free — Windows 32-bit Firefox without Encrypted Media Extensions
  • win64-EME-free — Windows 64-bit Firefox without Encrypted Media Extensions
  • Linux-i686 — 32-bit Linux Firefox
  • Linux-x86_64 — 64-bit Linux Firefox
  • mac — Mac OS X version of Firefox
  • mac-EME-free — Mac OS X version of Firefox without Encrypted Media Extensions

A click on one of the operating system directory links opens all localized versions of Firefox for the selected Firefox version and operating system. Mozilla uses language and country codes to list available versions.

The codes en-us, pt-BR, and hu, for example, refer to English-United States, Portuguese Brazil, and Hungarian. While a country’s domain extension is used usually by Mozilla, it is not the case all the time.

The final page lists the download link and the size of the download.

Tip: You can modify the URL of the download page easily to jump directly to specific releases. The URL structure is

Simply change the following directories:

  • version: 60.0
  • platform: win64
  • language code: en-US

While you can download full versions of the Firefox web browser from third-party download portals as well, there is no need to do so unless you want to download a portable version of Firefox.

Closing Words

Mozilla pushes the stub installer on its website and it may be the better solution for most users interested in downloading the web browser and for Mozilla. Users who prefer to download the full version of Firefox instead can do so as well and as long as the option is provided, there is nothing wrong with offering a stub downloaded by default.

Now You: Which version of Firefox do you download, and why?


Article Name
How to download Firefox offline installers

Find out how to download the full offline installer of the Firefox web browser and not the net installer from the Mozilla website.


Ghacks Technology News


Supported MSIEXEC Options

  • /i or /package

    Installs the product.

  • /L or /log

    Generates an MSI log file. All of this option’s configuration parameters are supported.

  • /m

    • Generates an SMS status .mif file.
    • Without having a copy of Systems Management Server I’ve been unable to test this, but it should work.
  • /q, /quiet, and /passive

    Sets the UI mode. The full UI option (/qf) is accepted but ignored, because we have no full UI.

  • /norestart, /forcerestart, and /promptrestart

    The default behavior is always /norestart, but the other options behave as expected.


Options that do not operate on a package file (/?, /h, /help, /y, /z)

Unsupported MSIEXEC Options

  • /f

    Repairs the product.

  • /a

    Administrative installation.

  • /x or /uninstall

    Uninstalls the product.

  • /j along with /t, /g, and /c

    Advertises the product.

  • /n

    Specifies a particular instance of the product.

  • /p or /update

    Applies a patch (.msp) file.

Example configuration

Here’s an example of a valid .mst file to help understand how options can be changed along with the MSI directory for mozilla central:

  • MST file example
  • MSI installer nightly builds
  • MSI installer current release build

Logging can be configured on the MSI to help troubleshoot installation issues.

There are several ways to use the MSI file with configurable parameters exposed in Firefox MSI:

Настраиваемые параметры Firefox в MSI

Настройка пути к директории — INSTALL_DIRECTORY_PATH=
Абсолютный путь, определяющий полный путь к установке. Эта директория не обязана существовать ко времени установки (но может и существовать).
Если определён параметр INSTALL_DIRECTORY_NAME, этот параметр будет проигнорирован.

Настройка имени директории — INSTALL_DIRECTORY_NAME=
Имя директории установки, которая будет создана внутри Program Files. Например, если INSTALL_DIRECTORY_NAME настроена для релиза Firefox, то путь установки будет похож на C:\Program Files\Firefox Release. Используемый путь Program Files будет верным только для одной архитектуры устанавливаемого приложения и локализации/конфигурации машины; этот параметр в основном используется, чтобы вам не пришлось беспокоиться об этих различиях.
Если этот параметр установлен, INSTALL_DIRECTORY_PATH будет проигнорирован.

Установка ярлыка на Панели задач — TASKBAR_SHORTCUT={true,false}
Установите false, чтобы отключить закрепление ярлыка в Панели задач. По умолчанию true. Эта функция работает только в Windows 7 и 8; невозможно создать ярлык в Панели задач из инсталлятора на более поздних версиях Windows.

Установка ярлыка на Рабочем столе — DESKTOP_SHORTCUT={true,false}
Установите в false, чтобы отключить создание ярлыка на рабочем столе. По умолчанию true.

Установка ярлыка в меню Пуск — START_MENU_SHORTCUT={true,false}
Установите в false, чтобы отключить создание ярлыка в меню Пуск. По умолчанию true.

Отключение сервис поддержки — INSTALL_MAINTENANCE_SERVICE={true,false}
Установите в false, чтобы отключить установку Mozilla Maintenance Service. Это эффективно предотвращает установку обновлений Firefox пользователями, если они не имеют прав на запись в директорию установки. По умолчанию true.

Отключение удаления директории с дистрибутивом — REMOVE_DISTRIBUTION_DIR={true,false}
Установите в false, чтобы отключить удаление директории с дистрибутивом от существующей установки, которая была произведена поверх. По молчанию — true и директория удаляется.

Предотвращение перезагрузки — PREVENT_REBOOT_REQUIRED={true,false}
Установите в true, чтобы предотвратить совершение инсталлятором действий, которые потребуют перезагрузки машины для их завершения, обычно из-за того, что файлы находятся в состоянии использования. Это не требуется в нормальных условиях, когда у вас запущена копия Firefox и одновременно пытается запуститься инсталлятор, и установка этого параметра в этом случае может привести к невозможности завершения установки. По умолчанию false.

Расширения для бандлов — OPTIONAL_EXTENSIONS={true,false}
Установите в false, чтобы отключить установку любых имеющихся расширений-бандлов. По умолчанию true.

Директория для распаковки файлов приложения — EXTRACT_DIR=
Распаковывает файлы приложения в указанную директорию и выходит без фактического запуска инсталлятора. Конечно, это означает, что все другие параметры будут проигнорированы.

Параметры MSIEXEC

Параметры командной строки для msiexec.exe (компонента Windows, ответственного за установку, удаление и другие процессы с MSI-файлами) задокументированы здесь, а также в виде вывода параметра /?. Наши MSI-пакеты, ввиду того, что они являются обёрткой .exe-установщика и на самом деле не используют MSI-фреймворк, не поддерживают многие параметры командной строки, доступные для msiexec. В этом документе перечислены параметры msiexec, которые поддерживаются или не поддерживаются для использования с нашими MSI-пакетами.

What is Firefox Nightly?

Every day, Mozilla developers write code that is merged into a common code repository (mozilla-central) and every day that code is compiled so as to create a pre-release version of Firefox based on this code for testing purposes, this is what we call a Nightly build. Once this code matures, it is merged into stabilization repositories (Beta and Dev Edition) where that code will be polished until we reach a level of quality that allows us to ship a new final version of Firefox to hundreds of millions of people. This development process used to ship a new version of Firefox every 4 weeks is called the Train Model.

Firefox channels after April 18, 2017
74 73 72 71
Nightly Beta Release
Nightly Beta Release

Неподдерживаемые параметры MSIEXEC

  • /f

    Исправляет продукт.

  • /a

    Административная установка.

  • /x or /uninstall

    Удаляет продукт.

  • /j наряду с /t, /g и /c

    Рекламирует продукт.

  • /n

    Определяет отдельный экземпляр продукта.

  • /p or /update

    Применяет файл патча (.msp).

Пример конфигурации

Здесь расположен пример валидного .mst-файла в помощь для понимания того, как могут быть изменены параметры наряду с MSI-директорией для Mozilla Central:

  • пример MST-файла
  • MSI-установщик nightly-билдов
  • MSI-установщик актуального релизного билда

Примечание: Для MSI в помощь разрешению проблем при установке может быть настроено логирование.

Существует несколько способов использования MSI-файлов с настраиваемыми параметрами, доступными в Firefox MSI:

Firefox custom MSI options

Set a directory path — INSTALL_DIRECTORY_PATH=
Absolute path specifying the complete install location. This directory does not need to exist already (but it can).
If INSTALL_DIRECTORY_NAME is set, then this setting will be ignored.

Set a directory name — INSTALL_DIRECTORY_NAME=
Name of the installation directory to create within Program Files. For example, if INSTALL_DIRECTORY_NAME is set to Firefox Release, then the installation path will be something like C:\Program Files\Firefox Release. The Program Files path used will be the correct one for the architecture of the application being installed and the locale/configuration of the machine; this setting is mainly useful to keep you from having to worry about those differences.
If this is set, then INSTALL_DIRECTORY_PATH will be ignored.

Install a taskbar shortcut — TASKBAR_SHORTCUT={true,false}
Set to false to disable pinning a shortcut to the taskbar. true by default. This feature only works on Windows 7 and 8; it isn’t possible to create taskbar pins from the installer on later Windows versions.

Install a desktop shortcut — DESKTOP_SHORTCUT={true,false}
Set to false to disable creating a shortcut on the desktop. true by default.

Install a start menu shortcut — START_MENU_SHORTCUT={true,false}
Set to false to disable creating a Start menu shortcut. true by default.

Disable the maintenance service — INSTALL_MAINTENANCE_SERVICE={true,false}
Set to false to disable installing the Mozilla Maintenance Service. This will effectively prevent users from installing Firefox updates if they do not have write permissions to the installation directory. true by default.

Disable removing distribution directory — REMOVE_DISTRIBUTION_DIR={true,false}
Set to false to disable removing the distribution directory from an existing installation that’s being paved over. By default this is true and the directory is removed.

Prevent rebooting — PREVENT_REBOOT_REQUIRED={true,false}
Set to true to keep the installer from taking actions that would require rebooting the machine to complete, normally because files are in use. This should not be needed under normal circumstances unless you’re paving over a copy of Firefox that was running while the installer was trying to run, and setting this option in that case may result in an incomplete installation. false by default.

Bundle extensions — OPTIONAL_EXTENSIONS={true,false}
Set to false to disable installing any bundled extensions that are present. true by default.

Application files extraction directory — EXTRACT_DIR=
Extract the application files to the given directory and exit without actually running the installer. Of course, this means all other options will be ignored.

MSIEXEC options

The command line parameters for msiexec.exe (the Windows component responsible for installing, uninstalling, and otherwise working with MSI files) are documented here and also by the output of the /? option. Our MSI packages, because they wrap a .exe installer and don’t really use the MSI framework, do not support many of the command line parameters available to msiexec. This document lists the msiexec parameters that are supported and unsupported for use with our MSI packages.

Choose where Firefox is installed

The next step is where you can choose a different Destination Folder, which is where the Firefox program will be installed.

C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\ is the default folder path on
32-bit Windows. It’s also the default location on 64-bit Windows when the 64-bit Firefox version is installed.

When the 32-bit Firefox version is installed on 64-bit Windows, the default folder path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\

You can change the folder where Firefox will be installed either by manually typing the location of another folder on your computer or you can click Browse… to select a new folder.

  • Space required: The amount of space on your hard drive that’s needed to install Firefox.
  • Space available: The amount of space available on your hard drive.

Click Next to continue.

How to download Firefox Offline Installer

The step by step procedure to Download Firefox Offline Installer

Step 1: Download Firefox to your PC by clicking the above icon.

Step 2: Wait until the installer file downloads on your PC.

Step 3: Once it downloaded, double click and run the installer file.

Download FireFox Offline Installer

Step 4: Then go through the on-screen instructions, and within a few minutes Firefox will be installed in no time.

Download FireFox Offline Installer

Step 5: Then you can use Firefox for most advanced and secure browsing experience.

Incoming Related Searches

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  • FireFox Offline Installer Download

Overall Firefox is the 2nd topmost used web browser around the world and the Mozilla Foundation has continually improved the speed, security, and features of the browser. Thanks for reading the post. If you have any query or comment about Firefox Offline Installer, please comment below!

How does it update? Update interval?

Nightly gets an update twice a day (or night, depending on your timezone), building starts at 10:00 and 22:00 UTC, usually builds are available one hour or two later. That means that there is an update in the morning for The Americas and another one for EMEA/Asia

The update is downloaded in the background, when this is done, there is a small green badge that appears on the hamburger menu which indicates that if you restart your Nightly, an update will be applied.

If you don’t apply this update within 12 hours, a dialog box will pop up asking you to do so. If you want this dialog to show up later than 12h, in about:config change the app.update.promptWaitTime value from 43200 to a higher value, 86400 for 24 hours for example.

Sometimes, we will issue more than two updates per day, typically this is because we found out we introduced a major regression (a spike in crashes for example) and we don’t want our users to have a broken browser for 24h.

What is Firefox ESR?

Firefox ESR or Extended Support Release is a version of the browser designed for IT professionals in particular. Using Firefox ESR, IT professionals can easily configure and deploy Firefox in their organization. It is based on a regular release of Firefox for desktop and is intended for use by several kinds of organizations like schools, businesses, and all those who need extended support for mass deployments or who want to set up and maintain Firefox on a large scale.Firefox ESR 1

The main purpose of Firefox ESR is to provide support for older technologies like Microsoft Silverlight which have been deprecated. This feature of the browser is extremely useful for people who are still using older tech. Up to Firefox 52 ESR, Silverlight, as well as Java, was supported by the browser, however, with the release of Firefox 60 ESR, this support has been removed and the browser now only supports the Adobe Flash NPAPI plugin.

Should I become a Nightly user?

Of course, Nightly does not have the polish, quality and stability of the Release channel as this is a work in progress but we are doing our best through automation, QA and community to provide you the best nightly builds possible.

If you are a power-user, that you want to have access to features in developments months before they become mainstream, have tolerance for occasional functional regressions and are looking for an easy way to help Mozilla and Firefox development, you should use Nightly (ideally as your main browser but you can also use it alongside Firefox on the release channel or another browser).

Of course, Nightly may be more likely to crash than a final release and sending your crashes to our engineers is also of considerable help as it helps us catch instabilities and identify issues long before end-users are exposed to them.

Related Softwares for Firefox Offline Installer

The Related Softwares for Firefox Offline Installer are listed below. Install FireFox Offline

UC Browser Offline Installer for Windows PC you can enjoy fast downloads with pause and resume option and a smart file manager.

Safari Offline Installer for Windows PC is a simple field for both search terms and web addresses in Safari Browser

Citrio Offline Installer for Windows PC is to make fast that is a polished browser which demonstrates high performance.

Tor Browser Offline Installer for Windows PC has advanced security mechanisms, protecting you against struggling with viruses, adware, spyware.

Torch Browser Offline Installer For Windows PC will make you easy to access and manage torrent download tasks directly

Mozilla Firefox Update:

Firefox is a free open source web browser available for Android, Mac, Linux, & Windows OS. It’s developed by Mozilla Corporation. Mozilla gives amazing user protection features while browse. You know technology has increase day by day. And because there are lots of spammers & hackers on the web to theft users data. So, it is your responsibility to care for all of those things. The software company Mozilla has very effective security protection features to protect user data. Be careful to avoid all the things which will damage you and your business. Install Firefox offline installer on your system from here.

The second fastest browser around the World Mozilla Firefox which fully challenges internet explorer. It was firstly public launch in 2004 by Mozilla Foundation/Mozilla Corporation. Since then the update firefox browser latest version has become popular browsers globally. There are many key features included by Mozilla Corporation in this version. So, if you are not installing the popularly featured browser Mozilla. Get started to browsing the world with Firefox.

Mozilla Firefox update provides a reliable browsing facility to its users. Get the Firefox web browser on your PC or Mac to increase user experience. You can use multiple tabs for browsing. Also browse in a private tab. The browser is totally focused on toolbar controls which contain setting and options. In your browser searching bar, you can directly search for anything and auto-saved history searching. Go through your Firefox browser setting and change the search engine from Google to others like Bing, Yahoo, etc. All features are in your hand, clear history, browsing history, save files, private browse, see save passwords, remove browsing sites, block threats, block infected sites and do many more jobs manually.

Also Check:   UC Browser Offline Installer Setup

Mozilla Firefox Offline Installer:

Download Mozilla Firefox Offline installer 2020. The advantage of Mozilla firefox offline mode is that you can install Firefox updated version without internet access. Simply says, download Firefox’s latest version from the link below. It supports all Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, & Windows 10 both 32/64 bit OS and all Mac versions. If you want to browse safe & secure then you must download and install Mozilla Firefox on your PC/Mac. This will helps to remove all online threats which disturbing during online browsing. Firefox will block all online threats, infected sites from a browser that wants to make your browser safely. Download Firefox Installer offline mode.

Mozilla Browser Cool Features:

  • Popular web searcher.
  • Tested as virus-free.
  • The latest version of Mozilla firefox.
  • Very simple user-friendly.
  • Browse anything safely.
  • Block all the malicious files to make browsing better.
  • Multiple language support.
  • Easy to use.
  • More.

System Requirements:


Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 1o.

Recommended Hardware: 

  • Need Pentium 4 or higher processor that supports SSE2
  • The minimum RAM required is 512 MB and 2GB RAM for 64-bit Windows versions.
  • Need 200 MB free space in Hard Disk drive.


MacOS 10.9, MacOS 10.10, MacOS 10.11, MacOS 10.12, MacOS 10.13, MacOS 10.14, MacOS 10.15.


  • Need Macintosh computer with an Intel x86 processor.
  • Minimum required of 512 MB of RAM.
  • Need 200 MB free space in the hard disk drive.

Download Mozilla Firefox offline installer on Windows/Mac. The browser tool gives you full-time new functionalities to increase a good user browsing experience. Tap on the above-mentioned download button to get the latest version. Follow the on-screen instruction to install Mozilla Firefox offline installer on your PC.

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Feu-ho tot amb el Firefox

Cerques més intel·ligents i més ràpides

  • Cerca des de la barra d’adreces
  • Opcions del motor de cerca
  • Suggeriments de cerca intel·ligents
  • Les adreces d’interès, l’historial i les pestanyes obertes s’inclouen en els resultats

Augmenteu la productivitat

  • Funciona amb els productes de Google
  • Eina de captura de pantalla integrada
  • Gestor d’adreces d’interès
  • Suggeriment automàtic dels URL
  • Sincronització entre dispositius
  • Mode de lectura
  • Corrector ortogràfic
  • Pestanyes fixes

Transmeteu, reproduïu i compartiu-ho

  • Bloqueu la reproducció automàtica d’àudio i vídeo
  • Imatge sobre imatge
  • Contingut seleccionat en les pestanyes noves
  • Compartiu enllaços

Protegiu la vostra privadesa

  • Bloqueig de galetes de tercers
  • Bloqueig de generadors d’empremtes digitals
  • Bloqueig de miners de criptomonedes
  • Mode de navegació privada
  • Informe de proteccions individualitzat

Protegiu les vostres dades personals

  • Alertes de filtracions de dades de llocs web
  • Gestor de contrasenyes integrat
  • Buideu l’historial
  • Emplenament automàtic de formularis
  • Actualitzacions automàtiques

Personalitzeu el navegador

  • Temes
  • Mode fosc
  • Biblioteca d’extensions
  • Ajusteu els paràmetres de la barra de cerca
  • Canvieu la disposició de les pestanyes noves

Stage 1: Definition

1. Feature overview

The Feedback button (which is currently added to the toolbar in the Firefox aurora/beta branches by the bundled Test Pilot add-on) will be moved into Firefox where it becomes part of the default Toolbar Customization panel.

It will need to be added to the toolbar by default on Nightly, Aurora and Beta builds. On Release builds it would not be added by default but the user could choose to add it through the Customization panel.

The button holds a drop-down menu containing two items, «Firefox made me happy because…» and «Firefox made me sad because…», both of which go to the Input website and pre-fill some fields.

Menu Item URL
Firefox made me happy because…
Firefox made me sad because…


  1. The Test Pilot add-on (both the AMO version and the bundled-with-Firefox-betas version) must be modified to work with the new standalone Feedback button. This means the add-on no longer creates the Feedback button; instead it looks at the toolbar to see whether there’s a Feedback button there, adding the «All your user studies» and «turn on/off user studies» menu items to the button if present, providing an alternate interface otherwise.
  2. The following strings will need to be localized to something that’s not unreasonably long in any language:
    • «Feedback»
    • «Firefox made me happy because…»
    • «Firefox made me sad because…»

2. Users & use cases

  • Users who wish to keep providing Input about Firefox through the feedback button should be able to do so even on the release channel with no bundled add-ons.
  • The Test Pilot add-on should be independent of the Feedback button implementation (which allows Test Pilot to become a restartless add-on).
  • Input’s «/feedback» page should be referred as a pref

4. Requirements

Instancing the «Feedback» button

  1. On Nightly/Aurora/Beta builds, a button which opens a menu consisting of two options (i.e. «Firefox made me happy because…» and «Firefox made me sad because…») should be visible on the right hand side of the navigation toolbar by default.
  2. On Release builds, the button should NOT be visible in the navigation toolbar. But it should be available within the toolbar customization palette to add to the browser UI.
    • If the user is running a «Beta» build, but chooses to remove the Feedback button through customization, it must not reappear on restart.
    • Switching channels must be supported — The Feedback button has to appear when switching to Beta/Aurora and disappear when switching to Release. (Unless the user has manually modified its location, in which case the modification sticks regardless of channel?)

Using the menu items

  1. When either menu item is selected, the appropriate URLs should load and desired information should be pre-filled onto the page (i.e. URL field will include the URL of the previously loaded tab and user agent will be pre-loaded onto a hidden form field).


  1. Placing the feedback button onto the navigation toolbar by default across all channels/builds.
  2. Landing Test Pilot as a patch onto mozilla-central.


Итак, выше мы рассмотрели браузер Mozilla Firefox. Как поменять язык интерфейса уже известно. Хотелось бы только отметить, что этот процесс очень прост. А сам браузер поддерживает огромное количество локализаций, что позволяет использовать его по всему миру.

Прежде чем приступить к процессу изменения языкового интерфейса веб-обозревателя или начинать поиск дополнительного приложения, необходимо разобраться, какая версия Mozilla Firefox установлена на пользовательском персональном компьютере. Чтобы это определить, необходимо совершить ряд несложных действий:

  1. Зайти в браузер Мозила;
  2. «Открыть меню» (значок в правом верхнем углу в виде трех полосок, расположенных горизонтально друг под другом);
  3. Нажать на предпоследнюю иконку, в виде вопросительного знака в синем кружке, в нижней правой части контекстного меню;
  4. В самом низу списка выбрать самый параметр «О Firefox»;

5. Высветиться небольшое, но очень информативное окошко с подробной описанием версии веб-браузера, информации о лицензии, права конечного пользователя, политика приватности.

Как изменить язык в Мозиле

Самый простой, но радикальный способ смены языка в браузере является удаление его с пользовательского персонального компьютера с последующим скачиванием и установкой уже с необходимыми параметрами. Но такой способ может привести к потере важных данных, таких как история посещений интернет ресурсов, полезные ссылки и вкладки, дополнительные расширения и многое другое, на первый взгляд незначительное.

Есть менее кровожадный, но немного запутанный, с точки зрения восприятия для некоторых категорий граждан, способ, как поменять язык в Фаерфокс. Но если следовать последовательно по пунктам, сравнивая выполненные действия с предложенным иллюстрированным описанием, всё должно получиться с первого раза.

И так, приступим к смене языка с иностранного на родной по пунктам:

  1. Открываем браузер, в адресной строке прописываем системную команду «about:config» и нажимаем кнопку «Enter». Откроется окно, предупреждающее о лишении гарантии. Щелкаем по кнопке «Я принимаю на себя риск!» — Звучит очень грозно, но ничего страшного не произойдёт, если далее следовать инструкции по шагам, а не начинать экспериментировать с различными параметрами;

2. В строчке поиска вводим «intl.locale.matchOS» — упростит задачу поиска нужного параметра вручную;

3. Параметр «intl.locale.matchOS» должен иметь значение «false«, если параметр имеет значение «true«, то необходимо поменять его – для этого просто щёлкните по нему левой кнопкой мыши два раза;

4. Очищаем строчку поиска и вводим «general.useragent.locale»;

5. Два раза щелкаем по параметру «general.useragent.locale» и вводим код языка необходимый для использования – в данном примере используем русский язык, поэтому набираем «ru»;

  1. Открываем меню браузера и жмем кнопку «Выход» (в нижней правой части меню), чтобы изменённые настройки вступили в силу.

Если всё сделано правильно, то при следующем открытии браузера у пользователя всё будет отображаться на выбранном ранее языке.

Mozilla Firefox является популярным функциональным веб-обозревателем, который оснащен мультиязычным интерфейсом. Если ваша версия Mozilla Firefox имеет не тот язык интерфейса, что вам необходим, при необходимости, у вас всегда имеется возможность его изменить.

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